In a podcast last Tuesday, February 27, with former cyclist Lance Armstrong, Mia Khalifa revealed why she turned far from the pornography industry, an amount of her life she describes as her "biggest mistake.

Khalifa says she was "young and foolish" when she chose to enter the porn industry. After leaving pornography, Khalifa began a similarly brief career in a sports commentary program on YouTube, which he's left to generate his own project to be broadcast on Twitch.
Armstrong and Khalifa agreed they both understand what it feels like to desire to eliminate a spot previously, because "in the event that you Google Lance Armstrong, all articles start with'suspended cyclist'", while once you try to find Khalifa, initial thing you see is'porn actress '.

Khalifa will quickly reinvent herself again, trying to find other careers (as a streamer at Twitch, being an author and perhaps as a cook), and hopefully you can have no more images of her beheaded in ISIS propaganda.